
There are a variety of ways in which you can help raise vital funds to protect seals, these include:

Community / Employee Fundraising

From sponsored walks to tombola’s, there are a variety of ways you can help raise money in your local community.

SPAG Fundraising tool kit

A-Z Fundraising Guide

Sponsorship form

If you would like to organise a fundraising activity and would like some additional help please click here to send us a message.

‘Seal Savers’ supporters’ scheme

The ‘Seal Savers’ scheme is a very important source of income for SPAG and subscriptions to the scheme will help fund our vital campaign and public education work.

Join us from only £3 a month and receive a special Seal Saver’s certificate, metal badge and regular newsletters.

For more information please contact us and we will send you a Seal Saver’s joining form through the post.


Online fundraising

You can help raise money to protect seals from the comfort of your own home by using these simple yet effective online fundraising initiatives.

Search engine

Help protect seals whilst you search the internet.

SPAG is signed up to Whitebox (also know as Homepages Friends) who provide a free of charge, internet search facility which helps to generate income for SPAG from advertising.

The more you search the internet, the more money SPAG will receive.

Click here to set the SPAG search function as your default homepage.

Shop online

The following companies will make a donation to SPAG when you purchase items from the retailer or sign up to their services.

Please note that in order for SPAG to receive a donation from the retailer, you will need to click on the link from this page and also have cookies enabled. For details about how cookies work, please click here.

Green Books banner 3


Recommended books and DVDs from Amazon

Whales,Dolphins and Seals: A Field Guide to the Marine Mammals of the World

Blue Planet : Complete BBC Series (Special Edition 4 Disc Box Set)

The Blue Planet book to compliment the TV series

Coast : BBC Series 1-3 (9 Disc Box set) [2005]

To purchase a variety of other items from Amazon in order to help raise money for SPAG, please click here.

SPAG Affiliate Policy

SPAG aims to promote only feature ethical organisations and products that do not contradict SPAG’s charitable objectives. SPAG is not liable for any of the goods or services from the above providers. If you have any problem with a product, please contact the company concerned

If you have an ethical business organisation and would like to set up an affiliate scheme with SPAG, please click here to contact us.

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