Celebrities back seal protection campaign
The Seal Protection Action Group’s campaigns to protect seals are being backed by a range of celebrities including musicians, models, actresses and authors.
The latest celebrities to offer their support include author Julia Stephenson, model and actress Melita Morgan and up and coming social action rock band ‘Truth on Earth’
Talking about their support, the celebrities have said:
“I was horrified to learn that thousands of seals are deliberately killed in UK waters alone every year. I am 100% behind the Seal Protection Action Group’s campaign to give our seals, and seals around the world, the protection they deserve and so desperately need. Please support their vital work to stop the cruel slaughter of seals before it is too late”
Julia Stephenson, Author, Journalist and Green Party Activist
“I fully support The Seal Protection Action Group’s campaign, in regards to the barbaric and heartless methods of slaughter inflicted upon seals in the UK waters and countless others around the world.
It causes me great pain to know I live in a world where man can inflict such pain and suffering to such beautiful animals.
I try to see the needs of man and animal, if man really needs to end the lives of these pure souls, I would like to make my plea on behalf of the world that he should use the knowledge and means to end life with dignity and peace…and MAN YOU HAVE THAT KNOWLEDGE, evolution has given you that, let it not be wasted for the greater good of the worlds animals and humanity alike.
I wish to commend highly the work of the Seal Protection Action Group for its work, especially its great efforts it gives in educating the world of these cruel practices, without you these animals have no voice”
Melita Morgan, Model and Actress
“The incredible source of inspiration and methods of SPAG have improved the quality of lives of thousandsof seals. Without SPAG’s commitment and dedication, the world would not be educated about the immense cruelty and suffering these voiceless creatures are forced to endure by selfless cowards. We fully support all of the hard work SPAG does and their important effort in raising awareness about seal and animal cruelty when so many others are satisfied with the status quo.”
Serena, Kiley and Tess from Social Action Rock Band, Truth On Earth
For further details about who else supports the work of SPAG, please click here.
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