Urgent Action!

Help stop the cruel slaughter of millions of seals with just one call today!

The European Parliament will be voting on May 5th on proposals to ban trade in all seal products derived from commercial slaughter. This is a fantastic opportunity to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of seals that are brutally clubbed, shot and often skinned alive each year in Canada and around the world.
The Seal Protection Action Group (SPAG) has written to all UK Members of the European Parliament (MEP) urging them to support the strongest possible Regulation next Tuesday, rejecting any amendments or loopholes that would allow the trade in seal products to continue.
 Harp seal © Mark Glover / HSI
You can play your part today by urgently contacting your MEP calling on him or her to support the strongest possible ban.
This historic vote will help put to an end the largest slaughter of marine mammals in the world. Please contact your MEP by letter, email and telephone as quickly as you can. Your letter, email or call will really make a difference. Please do it today!
UK residents can contact their MEP by visiting www.writetothem.com. Once on the site, search for your MEP using your post code.
For contact details of MEPs in other European countries, please click here to be redirected to the European Parliament website. 
Please do all you can, and invite friends, family and workmates to do the same. Thank you!
You can also help SPAG to protect seals by:

  • Making a donation
  • Joining our ‘Seal Savers’ scheme
  • Raising money simply by searching the internet
  • Helping to raise awareness about SPAG through social networking sites and blogging
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